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089. Marty Wilson On Humor As The Most Powerful Public Speaking Tool
Ash RoyJul 27, 2016 9:54:35 PM1 min read

089. Marty Wilson On Humor As The Most Powerful Public Speaking Tool

Marty Wilson On Humor As The Most Powerful Public Speaking Tool

MC Behind 100072Marty Wilson of is a registered pharmacist who was dead into trying stand-up comedy, and he loved it so much that he won Australian Comic of the Year and moved to the UK to be full-time comic over there for eight years. They say laughter is the best medicine and it must be true. Now he’s back, and he divides his time between writing books, he’s on his 15th cracking up crowds on the International Speaking Circuit, teaching people how to use humor in their business. He has spoken to over 500,000 people, that’s half a million people since he first lit up on stage in 1997 and he’s just returned from San Francisco, and he was the only non-American asked to speak at their Annual Funny Business Conference. There he shared the stage with some leading executives including the founder of Evernote and the director of Video at Facebook who happens to be one of Mark Zuckerberg’s direct report.

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Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!