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071. Rohit Bhargava — Author of Likeonomics and Non-Obvious — On The Value of Content Curation Over Content Creation
Ash RoyApr 2, 2016 6:34:21 PM3 min read

071. Rohit Bhargava — Author of Likeonomics and Non-Obvious — On The Value of Content Curation Over Content Creation

Rohit Bhargava — Author of Likeonomics and Non-Obvious — On The Value of Content Curation Over Content Creation

Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 10.35.16 PMRohit Bhargava from always listens first and then speaks. His passion is sharing non-obvious advice to help brands and leaders be more influential. He does this through keynote speeches, published books and strategic advice. He is the author of books like; Likeonomics, Personality Not Included and Non-Obvious which is a Wall Stress bestseller. He’s also a professor Georgetown University in Marketing.

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Key Points (Timestamps)

00:40 – Intro and Overview
01:16 – How to build influence and why being an influencer is such an important competitive advantage
02:26 – A better question is “How do you identify an influencer that is relevant to your situation?”.
03:53 – Engagement and quality of people you’re influencing matter more.
05:57 – The idea behind the book: Non-obvious and how to use principles
06:45 – Rohit Bhargava‘s hack on thinking in a non-obvious way – intersections
07:48 – Two great people who used intersections effectively: Steve Jobs and Charlie Munger
08:49 – The secret to trend curation: Capture valuable ideas during your day to day life, then access them so you can categorise and connect them.
10:17 – The problem with digital tools when it comes to trend curation and what to do instead
15:06 – The longest time Rohit Bhargava spent working on a blog post
16:30 – How Rohit Bhargava helps big brands and leaders increase their influence
17:00 – Rohit Bhargava on his book ‘Likeonomics’
18:36 — “The maintenance of trust is really about reputation.” — Rohit Bhargava
19:23– The biggest challenges with building influence in today’s information overloaded environment and how to continue it
21:32 — “What gets confused a lot in the media is they categorise fleeing interest for belief.” — Rohit Bhargava
22:26 — Rohit Bhargava‘s fundamental concern about media literacy
23:21 – Challenges and responsibilities of influencers when it comes to commanding attention
24:40 —  The challenge as an influencer is to work out how to take the attention we’ve earned and avoid transforming it into evil manipulation (an example in food marketing).
26:19 – What actions a listener can take to increase influence in the market
27:11 – Rather than creating more content in an information overloaded environment, consider curating content and adding valuable insights to bring a deeper understanding to that content.
29:19 — The art to good content curation
30:46 – The books that had big impact on Rohit Bhargava
36:08 – How to find out more about Rohit Bhargava

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!
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