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Ash RoyMar 7, 2016 11:23:20 PM3 min read

068. How To Create Sales Funnels And Lead Magnets That Work With Aaron Fletcher

Aaron Fletcher on How To Create Sales Funnels And Lead Magnets That Actually Work!

aaron-headshot-16-9Aaron Fletcher is an online marketing consultant, educator, and speaker. He’s the author of the book “Stand Out: A Simple and Effective Online Marketing Plan For Your Small Business” He’s also the founder of He mastered the art of cutting through all the cyber noise and zeroing in on the key essentials for business success.

Podcast episodes mentioned

Key Points (Timestamps)

00:39 — Intro and overview
01:09 — Aaron Fletcher and Ash Roy discuss the value of sales funnels and lead magnets.
02:03 — Why it’s important to listen to podcasts for business success
03:28 — Why most business owners don’t monetize
07:00 — Often, the best thing for entrepreneurs to do is to go on an “Information Diet”.
08:06 — What strategy as a business owner are you executing with ferocity?
10:50 — How to approach the lead magnet creation process and why a lead magnet is so important
12:06— The 2 things that make all the difference in the world when it comes to building a successful business
14:57 — “Websites are one of the least important parts of business success.” — Aaron Fletcher
16:30 — The two forces you are always competing against in marketing
18:08 — Three reasons why walking your prospects through the lead magnet on the thank you page is valuable
18:38 — How to get leads via facebook for a very low lead acquisition cost while increasing your webinar leads
20: 56 — Your customer’s value map is the ultimate form of empathy.
21:52 — “Delivery systems will always change.” — Aaron Fletcher
23:20 — Every marketing message must have three things:
a metric
a timeline
a transformational outcome / why
27:30 — The one-page funnel framework and why that works
28:27 — What are the biggest and common challenges when it comes to sales funnels and how to overcome them?
29:31 — Outsource 100% of the tasks but 0% of your strategy.
30:05 — Why it’s important to do and understand the task before outsourcing it
31:55 — “Your success is measured on the number of ‘Build-Measure-Learn cycles’.” — Aaron Fletcher
33:43 — “Simple” doesn’t mean easy.
34:58 — It’s a good idea to spend no more than 15% on planning and 85% of your time on execution.
35:58 — How to create a swipe file to build a library of the top sales funnels in the world!
37:18 — Key actions you can take from this podcast:
Keep things simple
Persist with your strategy
Get clear on your audience’s problem with your lead magnet
Don’t assume your website is the be-all and end-all
Build measure and learn cycles
38:44 — How Aaron Fletcher struggled with the imposter syndrome and how he overcame it
39:38 — Building 99% of your funnel with no shopping cart is the same as 0%.
38:58 — Aaron graciously offers his lead Magnet video to us. Thank you Aaron!
43:22 — The one thing you can never recover in life is time.
44:37 — Look at the opportunity cost of your client not working with you and derive your hourly rate from that value!
45:32 — Books that have had the biggest impact on Aaron Fletcher and why
49:41 — How listeners get in touch with Aaron

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!