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061. Why Attention Is The New Currency — With Kevin Rogers
Ash RoyJan 17, 2016 10:26:22 AM2 min read

061. Why Attention Is The New Currency — With Kevin Rogers

Why Attention Is The New Currency & The 4 Things You NEED To Make A Sale — With Kevin Rogers



Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 11.26.12 pmKevin Rogers is the founder of He was previously featured in the episode, 9 of this podcast series, and that was called; The Blind Man Driving. One of his many claims to fame is that he successfully conspired with John Carlton and managed to get Dan Kennedy to join him for dinner which was an amazing feat as I understand it, the whole thing was coordinated via fax. Now, entrepreneurs all over the world have used his techniques to grow their business very quickly not least of which is a 60-second sales hook.

Key Points (Timestamps)

00:52 — Intro and overview
01:57— Why copywriting is critical to converting browsers to buyers
03:30 — The value of transparency
05:20 — New expectation: How real can you make this?
08:10 — Kevin’s take on the evolution of copywriting in the next 3-5 years
09:20 — Three main elements a sales letter needs to close the deal
11:30 — Attention is the new currency online.
13:00 — Simple framework for “What is it?”
14:56 — Short attention span syndrome
16:12 — Formulas for filling in your “Who are you?”
17:06 — Ash’s “Who are you?” example
19:08 — The scale of severity:
Red alert
Yellow light
Green light
20:40 — Dollar shave club and how they created a desire for a problem to be solved
21:07 — Most of us create products in the ‘yellow light’ section of the ‘scale of severity’.
23:46 — The most popular content online always begins with a number… “7ways to…”
25:41 — The importance of quantification in sales letters
26:30 — How Frank Kern uses transparency in his copy
27:50 — “The thing I care more about than money and the sale is not going to jail!”
28:12 — Why Danny Iny asked his subscribers to unsubscribe from his mailing list
29:21 — Recap of 4 main points to close the sales loop
31:30 — Kevin’s case study “Ye Old Digital Prints” on an Etsy store
34:39 — The four essential elements of a good sales message illustrated in a case study
36:21 — Where the sixty-second sales hook fits into the four essential elements of sales copy
36:31 — Biggest challenges Kevin has seen when it comes to creating effective sales copy
38:20 — How we communicate is different… “get to the point…cut out all the fluff”.
39:10 — The biggest enemy of sales copy is vagueness and the best friend of sales copy is specificity and urgency.
39:28 — Action steps you can take to create great sales copy right now
42:55 — How to hire a good copywriter with Kevin Rogers
44:29 — Kevin Rogers’ most influential books
48:00 — How to get in touch with Kevin

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!