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069. How To Use Cloud Computing For Business Success With Peter Moriarty
Ash RoyMar 18, 2016 7:53:38 PM3 min read

069. How To Use Cloud Computing For Business Success With Peter Moriarty

Peter Moriarty On How To Use Cloud Computing To Increase Business Productivity



<a href='/peter-moriarty/' srcset=Peter Moriarty is the founder and managing director of, an expert in small business cloud computing and ranked as one of Australia’s Top 10 entrepreneurs under 30 by Smart Company and Australian Anthill Publications. He started IT consulting at the age of 15 with a backpack and pushbike in rural Sydney. Since then, he’s pushed his passion for technology in growing IT genius Australia into a full-service IT consultancy, servicing businesses up to 200 employees across Australia and beyond. IT Genius has worked with some leading companies, and they’ve secured a partnership with Google Australia to assist Australian businesses to collaborate more effectively with Google’s suite of business productivity and collaboration tools.

Key Points (Timestamps)

01:14 — Intro and overview
02:08 — Peter Moriarty and Ash discuss why Cloud Computing is so important in business today.
03:16 — Peter Moriarty explains how cloud computing evolved and how it’s revolutionising the way we interact with our devices.
04:27 — Ash Roy discusses how cloud-based SAAS (software as a service) can be an uber successful business model if you can solve a business problem.
05:11 — Google apps are being used by over 5 million organisations around the world.
06:26 — Is Google planning to grow their two billion-dollar Google apps division into a larger proportion of their $60 billion business?
06:45 — The reality is that google needs to diversify!
07:14 —  Facebook is starting to steal (search) market share from Google through very targeted search capability.
07:49 — How google is changing their structure and is building new divisions to support its future direction
09:27 — How google is trying to embed themselves into lives and businesses and take the position of the utility provider
10:25 — A brief discussion on Facebook’s basic service in India
11:01 — How Google is facilitating access to talent in other markets and providing the opportunity to take advantage of geo-arbitrage
12:33 —  A working definition of “cloud computing”
13:07 — How cloud computing removes points of operational risk in your business
15:58 — Case study: How google apps freed Michael from the constraints of time or location and enabled him to live in France for a year!
17:26 — A reality check on our geo-arbitrage obsession – It’s not a panacea for all productivity challenges.
18:44 — What are the biggest challenges when it comes to adopting cloud computing in your business?
19:27 — Who truly owns your data when it’s in ‘the cloud’? Is the custodian really the owner?
20:41 — Why Apple is fighting the FBI so aggressively on opening the ‘back door’ to their software
23:53 — Do I need to have a gmail address if I move to google interface for my business? Or can I still use my business email address?
24:37 — Why it’s important to get an expert into your business to handle the transition to google apps (your time is worth a lot of money)
25:17 — A cool little trick to work out your hourly effective rate (the 80 20 rule reversed)
26:51 — Three actions that business owners can take to transition their business (and mindset) into cloud computing
29:35 — Peter Moriarty suggests we should beware of IT consultants that are anti-google (arguments against installing google apps are usually about self-preservation).
27:42 — Learn google apps to get help in your business and how
30:54 — Books that have had the biggest impact on Peter Moriarty and why
32:57 — Peter Moriarty shares the secret on how to manage your inbox emails.
35:49 — How to get in touch with Peter Moriarty
36:25 — Wrap up

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!