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067. Matthew Kimberley On How To Use Public Speaking To Grow Your Leads
Ash RoyFeb 29, 2016 9:50:25 PM3 min read

067. Matthew Kimberley On How To Use Public Speaking To Grow Your Leads

Public Speaking For Profitable Lead Gen With Matthew Kimberley



<a href='/139/' srcset=Matthew Kimberley from is an expert at profitable lead generation and is also the author of the self-help classic; How to Get a Grip. He’s an excellent speaker and is described by our common friend, James Shramko as being one of the best speakers he’s ever heard.

Key Points (Timestamps)

  • 00:52 — Intro and overview
  • 01:16 — Why public speaking is such a powerful tool when it comes to lead generation
  •  05:00 — Public speaking can move the audience in many more ways than any other medium.
  • 05:03 — “It’s not particularly efficient, but it is incredibly effective.” Matthew Kimberley on public speaking
  • 09:13 — “When people pay, they pay attention.” Matthew Kimberley
  • 10:23 — You don’t have to be a natural speaker to be a good public speaker but it certainly helps if you enjoy basking in the limelight.
  • 12:44 — When you get on stage as a public speaker, you’ve got to deliver on the promise you make.
  • 13:44 — What we mean by the term “delivering on the promise” as a speaker
  • 14:03 — The importance of having a big idea and a big promise as a public speaker as taught by Michael Port and Amy Port (Heroic Public Speaking)
  • 15:53 — You have to meet your audience where they are as a public speaker.
  • 16:05 — Empathy is very important to be a successful public speaker.
  • 18:44 — Why Matthew Kimberley believes that TED speakers could dramatically improve their talks if they added better delivery to their “expert” talks as speakers
  • 19:58 — The difference between selling and performing on stage while public speaking
  • 20:32 — There are certain buttons you need to push to sell during your presentation to get people into the buying mode:
    • Get a series of small commitments leading to a greater commitment
    • Create Urgency
    • Create Scarcity
    • Provide Social proof
    • Take people on a journey
    • Train your audience
  • 23:00 — How magnetic messaging can actually attract the right audience and repel the wrong audience
  • 26:31 — How to become a better public speaker and specific actions you can take to improve your speaking
  • 27:53 — Find a great teacher who is an expert at public speaking
    • Do directed rehearsals
    • Don’t have more than 2-3 presentations at any one time
    • Study improvisation
    • How to address audience questions
    • Learn how to stand on stage
    • Don’t rehearse in front of a mirror
    • Do rehearse in front of a group of people
    • Get your script reviewed by a script consultant or copywriter
    • Rehearse your presentation so you know it backwards
    • Rehearse your material over and over
    • Analyse your own past presentations to learn from them
    • Read books on storytelling
    • Read books on sales
    • Attend webinars on how to become a better speaker
  • 34:24 — The biggest challenges people face when it comes to becoming a good speaker and how to overcome them
  • 36:33 — It’s important to make a big promise and over deliver as a public speaker.
  •  38:06 — You’ve got to know your material inside out when public speaking.
  • 39:13 — Books that have had the biggest impact on Matthew and why
  • 42:27 — How listeners can find out more about Matthew Kimberley

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!