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066. Inc Magazine Featured Entrepreneur Jessica Mah Shares Her Financial Planning Secrets And How She Grew Her Biz By 2,685.6% over 3 years
Ash RoyFeb 22, 2016 9:51:19 PM1 min read

066. Inc Magazine Featured Entrepreneur Jessica Mah Shares Her Financial Planning Secrets And How She Grew Her Biz By 2,685.6% over 3 years

Jessica Mah Founder of Indinero (Featured on Inc Magazine For Growing Her Biz By 2,685.6%) Shares Financial Planning Secrets


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Key Points (Timestamps)

00:48 — Intro and overview
01:31 — Why is financial reporting critical to business profitability?
01:51 — Accounting & Tax are intimidating to lots of businesses.
03:22  — Businesses often focus on revenue and not on profit.
03:58 — Online business is often obsessed with revenue at the expense of profit.
04:33  — InDinero can give business owners overview on their cash flow, profitability and revenue.
05:50 — Jessica Mah‘s mindset when she develops content around InDinero
07:00 — Storytelling is an important part of Jessica Mah‘s content creation process.
08:46 — The biggest challenges businesses face when getting finances in order
10:45 — Businesses don’t spend enough time on their forecasting, mapping out their cash position and profit for 24 months or 36 months.
12:37 — The plan is going to change but the act of planning helps you figure out how to run your business better.
15:15 — When you create a plan, you get to know what you don’t know.
16:46 — Action steps to get your financial planning in order
18:01 — Jessica Mah‘s advice for solo entrepreneurs who are looking to get started with the financial planning cycle
19:10 — How to use your hourly rate as a benchmark to delegate tasks to your employees
20:19  — Jessica Mah‘s favorite books that have had a great impact on her
22:40 — Jessica Mah‘s think weeks where she blocks off entire weeks to just read books!
25:03 — How context switching affects productivity in a massive way
26:49 — Jessica Mah is featured in cover profile of INC Magazine for September 2015 issue.
28:35 — What is the biggest key action point?

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!