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057. Verve Search CEO Lisa Myers on Creative Content, Mindset And Her Favorite Star Wars Quote
Ash RoyDec 15, 2015 6:31:38 PM3 min read

057. Verve Search CEO Lisa Myers on Creative Content, Mindset And Her Favorite Star Wars Quote

How To Sustainably Generate Creative Content. Develop an Awesome Mindset with Lisa Myers, CEO of Verve Search, Plus Her Favorite Star Wars Quote



LisaMyers v2Lisa Myers is an expert in SEO and content marketing and was introduced to me by Rand Fishkin. She is the CEO of Verve Search and is an internationally respected search marketing expert. She’s won a number of prestigious awards, and in 2011, she won the Search Personality of the Year at the UK’s Search Awards and most recently, in the European Search Awards, they won the best SEO agency, the best content marketing campaign and the best Pan-European campaign. Verve’s unrivaled creativity and attention to detail have seen the company grow rapidly from a small team of passionate enthusiasts to an authoritative global service provided.

Resources Mentioned

Key Points (Timestamps)

00:38 — Intro and overview
02:34 — Huge changes in Google’s algorithms and their effects on SEO marketing
04:08 — “If everyone is drawing a cross, you need to draw a circle.”- Lisa Myers
06:31 — How to use creative content to grow your brand
07:39 — The two strategies in creative content campaigns
09:47 — If your content isn’t working, you need to aim to create content that gets backlinks from higher quality sites (not lower quality sites).
12:15 — Lisa describes Verve Search’s award-winning content marketing campaign.
14:21 — A discussion on guest blogging as an SEO strategy and a business strategy
16:10 — The biggest and most authoritative sites in the Norwegian market
16:47 — The job of an SEO and content marketer is to be a labyrinth walker.
21:21 — The importance of research and how to use it to create great content
23:48 — Rand Fishkin and his take on how to create high-value shareable content
24:22 — Trying to push content that people don’t need is a complete waste of time.
26:19 — Creating good creative content will cover many bases (SEO, PR, social media, etc..).
28:44 — Creating content that doesn’t solve a problem is like building a house by holding a hammer.
29:43 — How to sustainably create epic high-quality content
33:43 — Creating good quality content does involve taking some calculated risks.
34:16 — Doing multiple small campaigns to ‘cover your bases’ is a highly risky strategy.
35:19 — The importance of trusting your instincts
36:45 — Lisa Myer’s favorite Star Wars quote: “Do or Do not – there is no try.” – Yoda
36:55 — Most common challenges people face when engaging in creative content
42:39 — Lisa’s ‘rubber band’ theory when it comes to personal growth and recruitment
45:55 — Action steps you can take right now
46:26 — A thought experiment you can try right now
47:40 — Book recommendations from Lisa Myers

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!