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169. How to Overcome Implementation Paralysis with Sonya Keenan – Part 2 of 2
Ash RoyOct 27, 2018 6:52:17 PM4 min read

169. How to Overcome Implementation Paralysis with Sonya Keenan – Part 2 of 2

How to Overcome Implementation Paralysis with Sonya Keenan – Part 2


How to overcome information paralysis — Key Insights and action steps

Use re-engagement campaigns to re-connect with your existing customer list.

It costs between 5 and 9 times as much to find a new customer as it does to retain an existing one. Companies often go looking for new business when they should focus on re-engaging with their existing customers and offering those customers more value.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Send out a re-engagement email
  • Figure out what your customer needs at this point in their journey and offer them products that solve those problems in at this point in their lives. This could mean offering them products related to the one they originally purchased. You already have their trust. Why not offer them good quality solutions in the form of products?

Make your customer the hero and you be the guide

An important way to connect with your prospect or customer is to focus on them and their journey. Focus on serving them and make them the hero of the story.

Start with a low-end offer and then make higher ticket offers once you have the customers’ trust

At all times the product should offer more value than the price the customer pays for the product. This is critical.

The customer should always ‘win’. That said, it’s a great idea to move the customer up the ‘product escalator’ once your relationship has changed from a ‘website browser’ to a ‘paying customer’.

If a high-end offer makes sense, then don’t drag your customer through a series of low-end offers

Again, this comes back to the customers’ needs. The customer’s needs come first. If your customer wants to buy your high-end product because that solves their problem, don’t force them through the ‘product escalator’.

It sounds silly I know, but I’ve seen businesses do this.

Don’t let that be you.

Get your customer to commit time (not just money)

In today’s information age, time is increasingly scarce. It’s become a precious resource. If you can get your customer to commit time to you, that means a lot.

Focus on getting your customer to investing time with you through continuity programs, challenges, etc.

Don’t under-price your products (that can hurt your business)

If you went to see a heart surgeon and she offered to perform your surgery for only $10, I’m guessing you’d run in the other direction.

Price is a signal.

Don’t under-price yourself or you’ll lose customers (unless you’re in a very commoditised market).

There are several other factors that influence the price. Have a listen to this episode where I spoke to Kyle Tully about pricing and how it’s perceived as one of the many factors when a customer buys.

Other questions (besides price) that customers are asking themselves before working with you include:

  • Is this person trustworthy?
  • Do I have proximity/access to this person?
  • Do I have any evidence that this person has delivered results before?

Understand your effective hourly rate and try to outsource work that falls below your effective hourly rate.

Your effective hourly rate is your profit per month/week/year divided by the number of hours you put in to generate that profit.

If your effective hourly rate is $100 per hour and you’re working on editing your own podcast episodes which you could outsource for $10 per hour, then you’re costing your business $90 per hour.

Understand your core competency and stick to it

As an extension to the point above, understand what you’re good at and stick to it. If you try to get good at everything, you’ll spend all your time learning and not much time executing. As a business owner, your focus should do a few things well and hiring specialists to do the rest.

Besides the few things, you do well your focus should be on the business’ strategy and direction, team building and customer focus.

Always look at what problem your customer is trying to solve

Trying to understand what specific problem your customer is trying to solve right now is critical. Build a customer avatar and create empathy maps. These will help you develop deeper insights into your customer’s journey.

Once you’ve done that think about what solving that specific problem means to the customer and how it will add value to her life. Understanding these things in great depth will also help you create better ads and write better copy.


  • 2:44 – Sonya shares a story where she helped a business overcome implementation paralysis
  • 6:22 – Making your customer the hero
  • 8:29 – The definition of Tripwire
  • 10:50 – Customers commitment on time which is the most valuable commodity in this modern world
  • 11:55 – The thing that should be remembered in pricing
  • 13:58 – How people look at price as a factor before engaging with the product or business
  • 15:25 – Understand how to reach your audience cost effectively
  • 16:43 – How apple transformed the market regardless of their price
  • 17:15 – Key Action Steps
  • 20:26 – How to find out more about Sonya Keenan

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!