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062. Suzi Dafnis On How To Find Your Ideal Mentor And The Value Of Mentorship
Ash RoyJan 21, 2016 10:02:34 PM2 min read

062. Suzi Dafnis On How To Find Your Ideal Mentor And The Value Of Mentorship

Suzi Dafnis Shares Her Thoughts On How To Find Your Ideal Mentor



suzi dafnis_5404_ppSuzi Dafnis from is a friend and a very successful entrepreneur to the Productive Insights Podcast. She’s a passionate supporter and role model for women in business. She provides education, resources and mentoring to entrepreneurs so they can reach their full potential. She’s a blogger, a podcast host, a media commentator and a public speaker who’s presented at events all over the USA and Australia. She’s co-founded a boutique publishing company which has sold more than 1.2 million books including the longtime bestseller: Rich Dad, Poor Dad. She’s also the CEO of the Australian Business Women’s Network.


Key Points (Timestamps)

01:02 — Intro and overview
01:59 — Suzi Danfis’ story as an entrepreneur

03:23 — Suzi Dafnis discusses the value of mentorship in business success.
04:36 — How to distinguish between a coach and a mentor
05:23 — Specific ways in which a mentor can help you grow your business
07:04 — One of the most important things a mentor can give you in business
07:58 — A mentor doesn’t have to be in your industry.
09:18 — Suzi Dafnis’ mentoring structure at the Australian Business Women’s Network
10:47 — What qualities to look for in a good mentor
12:13 — How Suzi Dafnis found her mentor
13:56 — Mentoring Case study #1, The Power of Mentoring
16:07 — Mentoring Case study #2
18:44 — Expectations of mentors that do not work when it comes to mentoring
19:53 — A very important point to understand about working with a mentor
21:02 — The importance of having clear agreements with a mentor
22:11 — The most common challenges when it comes to finding a good mentor
23:12 — How to get started with finding the right mentor for you
25:31 — One action you can take right now towards finding your best mentor
26:17 — Some more action steps you can take towards finding your mentor
26:42 — Books that have had the biggest impact on Suzi Dafnis and why
29:17 — Suzi Dafnis’ approach to effective speed reading
30:20 — Brand Scaping by Andrew Davis on how to co-create content
31:48 — How to find out more about Suzi Dafnis

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!