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157. Announcing The “Respect Based Marketing” Approach (And How It Differs From The “Traditional Launch Model”) with Bastian Ernst — founder of Wild Audience
Ash RoyMar 8, 2018 2:02:42 AM2 min read

157. Announcing The “Respect Based Marketing” Approach (And How It Differs From The “Traditional Launch Model”) with Bastian Ernst — founder of Wild Audience

Announcing The “Respect Based Marketing” Approach (And How It Differs From The “Traditional Launch Model”) with Bastian Ernst — founder of Wild Audience


Are you an online marketer who’s tired of being an unwelcome guest in people’s inboxes (like most other online marketers out there)? If so, this information packed podcast episode with highly actionable content is just for you! Bastian Ernst has chosen the Productive Insights Podcast to introduce his ‘respect based marketing’ methodology to the world. We’re honoured to have him on as a guest.

Listen to this episode to learn about how respect based marketing differs from the the typical ‘launch model’ and why it might be the best path for your business. Bastian Ernst left his safe home in Austria to seek his fortune in Silicon Valley. Inspired by my conversation with Andre Chaperon in episode 140, Bastian reached out to me and expressed his desire to introduce his methodology — Respect Based Marketing — to the world. In this episode, Bastian and I talk about how respect based marketing differs from the traditional ‘launch model’ and why it might just be the right thing for your business.

Key Insights:

  • 3:31 – Bastian’s story
  • 6:15 – How did Bastian go about Respect based Marketing
  • 9:00 – Evergreen vs Launches
  • 10:32 – How Bastian built his Evergreen funnel
  • 15:25 – Bots
  • 18:13 – How do you mimic conversation with bots
  • 20:22 – Return on investment
  • 28.43 – Move Minds, Hearts, and Wallets to make people Move, Feel, Bond and Convert and Act
  • 34:20 – Bastian’s Facebook Ad strategy
  • 38:19 – Biggest challenges people face
  • 42:01 – Action steps

Key Insights:

  • Figure out your customer avatar
  • Identify the belief system
  • Work on lead magnets, email campaign, etc

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!