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145. Amy Porterfield Video Strategies
Ash RoyOct 17, 2017 6:58:23 PM6 min read

145. Amy Porterfield Video Strategies

Amy Porterfield and I Reveal (And Confront) Our Deepest Fears Around Video Content Creation (And Share Actionable Tips Around Mindset)


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Amy Porterfield is an online marketing expert, an educator, and the host of a top-ranking podcast named Online Marketing Made Easy. She’s worked with mega-brands like Harley Davidson Motorcycles and has worked with Peak Performance Coach, Tony Robbins where she oversaw the content development team and collaborated on a groundbreaking online marketing campaign.

Through her best-selling marketing courses, thriving social media community, and her popular podcast, she inspires a grounded, tangible and self-affirming sense of “Wow, I can really do this” for over 250,000 online entrepreneurs.

She proves that by moving away from step-by-step into action-by-action, even the newest online entrepreneurs can bypass overwhelm and self-doubt and move closer to building a life and business they love.

I LOVE helping heart-centered business owners grow their businesses profitably. I’d LOVE to help you too.

I’ve partnered with my friend, Amy Porterfield, on an amazing initiative. It’ll enable you to share your skills and knowledge with anyone in the world …. and get paid for it

Introducing…. The Digital Course Academy!

Should you launch your own online course? Take this 2-minute quiz here

FREE GUIDE : Create More Freedom & Live Your Best Life: 6 Daily Habits to Swear By > DOWNLOAD IT HERE

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FREE LIVE TRAINING ON FACEBOOK The 7 Most Critical Digital Course Decisions September 7, 2021 at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern > JOIN HERE!

Click here to check out these testimonials from people who have achieved success by doing the work, and have created and launched their online courses using Amy’s Digital Course Academy

Related Episodes:

Key Points and Insights

3:51 – Intro
5:06 – Amy’s podcast episode – #179: The Real Truth Why I Hate Video (Hint: It’s My Weight)
Amy’s reveals her deepest fears around video creation and why is it important to her to overcome these challenges
10:23 – Mindfulness explained
13:23 – Amy shares her specific challenges around video creation
14:42 – Ash discusses the thin line that separates vulnerability and weakness (Acknowledging and accepting vulnerability is a sign of courage, not weakness)
18:02 – The importance of genuine authenticity and the importance of not “faking it” on stage
22:41 – Specific action steps you can take right now to overcome your fear

Action Steps

  1. Name the feeling e.g. “I”m feeling fear” or “I”m feeling shame” and rate it on a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being intense and 1 being almost nonexistent)
  2. Notice where in your body the emotions are manifesting itself e.g. “I”m feeling shame as a tingling sensation in my forearms” or “I”m feeling fear as a pit in my stomach”
  3. Use your breath as an anchor and “watch'” the sensation change and eventually dissipate (It’s often a good idea to take 3 deep breaths to stabilize your mind)
  4. After the feeling has dissipated, reassess the intensity of the feeling which you assessed in step 1 (and notice if there is any change in the rating – no change is ok. The key is to notice whether or not there has been a change in the sensation/feeling )

Common mistakes around Video Creation

Video creation isn’t for the faint-hearted.

In my experience, creating useful video content has taken a combination of careful planning, good scripting, and a healthy dose of courage.

Just to make sure I’m not a dribbling mess of umms and aaas (for which my editor is deeply grateful I’m sure) I have to make sure I have my thoughts clearly set out on a piece of paper.

My point is this: a good video requires a good script. And that’s just the beginning!

Here are 5 common mistakes I’ve seen when it comes to video presentations:

  1. Lack of Preparation: Way too many people ad-lib and think they’re going to get away with it. The result is always the same. Disaster! Dastardly awful, mind-numbing monologues that meander endlessly and leave the viewer begging for a lobotomy.  Solution: Start preparing early and practice practice practice. Your audience will thank you for it and will reward you with their undivided attention.
  2. Not researching your audience: Creating an incredible presentation on the most recent obstetric procedures for a room full of farmers isn’t likely to be well received. Admittedly, I’m not a farmer and I haven’t had to sit through a presentation on the most recent obstetric procedures. But I can tell you this: I’ve sat through umpteen presentations where the presenter hasn’t researched his audience and has delivered content that offers little or no value to me (or most other people in the room). As far as preparation and content creation goes, the audience is everything. You’ve got to be clear on who is going to be watching your video and what specific problem your video is going to solve for them. Solution: Think deeply about what result you want your viewer to get after they’ve watched the video. What do you want him or her to feel? And then start working on your content.
  3. Too many words on slides: If you’re presenting content using slides then please don’t slap a wall of text on there. Your viewers will either switch off or try and read the content. Either way, they won’t be listening to you. Solution: Use only images where possible and if you have to use text, try to avoid a wall of text on each slide. Use one word or phrase. If you want to make several points related to each slide (and I hope you do) use the presenter notes as a prompt for each point. Be the entertaining and engaging presenter of the ideas behind that image.
  4. Not being entertaining enough: It’s 2019 and we’re constantly bombarded with information. We’ve got various screens and devices vying for our attention. How do you get your message across to your viewer when his/her attention is constantly under attack? Solution: Be a showman/woman! Information is no longer enough. You’ve got to be entertaining too! Welcome to the new world … of infotainment. Try and do face to camera videos and wave your hands around enthusiastically as you speak. It can be a bit daunting to do this when you’ve got an unblinking camera staring back at you, but you’ve gotta imagine the thousands of people who will be watching that video (because your video’s going to be that engaging!).
  5. Using too many words: It’s common for presenters to associate a long time on screen with success in terms of video content. In my experience, the opposite is true. Too much incoherent waffling is frustrating to watch. 
    Solution: See point 1. Prepare your content well in advance, make your points concisely and get outta there.

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!