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054. The 3 Keys to Community Building, Authenticity & Long Term Business Success — With Mackenzie Fogelson
Ash RoyNov 20, 2015 1:47:57 PM2 min read

054. The 3 Keys to Community Building, Authenticity & Long Term Business Success — With Mackenzie Fogelson


The 3 Keys to Community Building & Long-Term Business Success



mack-fogelson photoMackenzie Fogelson is the founder of Mack Web. Mack Web helps clients improve businesses and brands through community building. They’re strategic, holistic and down-to-earth while they take a 30,000-foot view of your business. They also ground everything in measurable results, to put it simply, they bring the right people together both online and offline to help you to grow your business.

Key Points (Timestamps)

1:54 — Intro and overview
2:44 — Community building is critical to business success in the modern age.
4:48 — People want to be connected and to have a sense of belonging with others.
5:06 — Businesses need to challenge themselves to be more authentic and human.
7:42 — This is the time for small businesses, they have the advantage.
8:45 — Nike, the evolution of the company and their current approach to advertising
10:02 — Apple’s community building approach — Self-identification
12:02 — What do businesses need to possess to build great communities?
13:20 — Three most important areas of focus for businesses that are looking to build great communities. Communities don’t form around companies but rather around:
Shared purpose (over profit)
16:01 — “Start with Why.” — Simon Sinek’s youtube video
16:34 — Prioritizing MEANING beyond money as an approach with a view to longevity
17:22 — Cause marketing and Purpose marketing – Max Lenderman
19:09 — Global Study by Conan Wolfe – Sixty-three percent (63%) of consumers would rather buy from companies that they consider to be authentic.
21:14 — Ash’s action step sneak peak
21:47 — Mackenzie’s Recommended Links for listeners
22:41 — Case study: 100% lead growth from Mac Web
27:30 — Why community building is critical to retention strategies
27:50 — Case study: Sears-Roebuck value profit chain (EDIT ME)
30:12 — Useful tool for reference – “The Balanced Scorecard
30:30 — Most common challenges businesses face with community building
32:45 — Why engagement is important when it comes to community building
35:07 — How social proof works to grow your business and brand
36:00 — Action section
Focus on depth of connection rather numbers and volume
Think about purpose before profit
Think about the value you bring to the table in the context of their lives
Evaluate your intention (focus on the customer’s needs)
Focus on brand goals versus revenue goals
40:55 — Robbie Baxter Podcast reference (Would you like to include this?)
41:16 — The books that have had the biggest impact on Mackenzie and why
42:49 — How to get in contact with Mackenzie and Mack Web Solutions
43:40 — Wrap up, key takeaways and related podcast episodes

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!