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077. Andrew Lock Reveals His Tactical Secrets Around Launching Successful Membership Sites
Ash RoyMay 19, 2016 8:54:30 PM2 min read

077. Andrew Lock Reveals His Tactical Secrets Around Launching Successful Membership Sites

Andrew Lock Reveals His Tactical Secrets Around Launching Successful Membership Sites


andrew lockAndrew Lock is the founder of and has a free weekly TV show that helps entrepreneurs and small business owners build a better business and stand out from the crowd this TV show became the number one marketing web TV show and Apple iTunes beating Harvard Business Review, Advertising Age and Business Week. He’s authored several books on marketing, and he’s been referred to as the Yoda of Marketing. He’s also a keynote speaker and has shared the stage with the likes of Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Brian Tracy, Tony Robins and Tony Say from Zappo’s. I recently had the honor of sharing the stage with him at Super Fast Business Live 2016 which is where we met.

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Key Points (Timestamps)

00:42 -Introduction and Overview
03:18 – Andrew Lock discusses the importance of membership sites to leverage your online channel.
04:44 –  Ash Roy and Andrew Lock explain niche membership sites and how they work.
06:11- “The most successful membership sites are the ones that hone a very specific topic rather than a general market.” – Andrew Lock
06:49 – “Interviewing other credible experts is an excellent way to build your own credibility.” – Ash Roy
07:25 – The secret of a successful membership site is not only the host’s expertise but his/her passion, enthusiasm, and transparency.
09:37 – The keys to building a successful membership site
10:16 – Andrew Lock’s examples on how to determine your niche
12:46 –  Authentic passion for your topic plays a huge role in creating a profitable membership site.
14:16 – How to prevent information overload for members using development-in-stages system for  content  
15:48 – The role of forum based conversation around content in building relationship inside the community
17:09 – How to keep up your forum presence – The ultimate method by Andrew Lock
19:09 – The top 2  frameworks to help you decide when to launch a membership site
20:20 –  Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres’ effective strategies to engage their audiences
21:22 –  “If you try to be everything to everyone, you will be nothing to anyone.” – Ash Roy
22:01 – How to choose an initial topic for a membership site using scientifically-based research process
23:48 – Andrew Lock’s example of how to choose a topic
24:53 – Tools that will help you research topics and narrow down to your niche
26:25 – Ash Roy recaps the key actions listeners can take from this episode.
26:51 – Thank you and teaser for the second part of this episode

Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!