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076. Ari Meisel On How To Be More Productive With The ‘Less Doing’ Approach
Ash RoyMay 14, 2016 1:56:13 PM2 min read

076. Ari Meisel On How To Be More Productive With The ‘Less Doing’ Approach

Ari Meisel On How To Be More Productive With The ‘Less Doing’ Approach


2014-08-15_genius_network_04952Ari Meisel is the founder of was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease back in 2006. Crohn’s is an incurable inflammatory disease of the digestive tract, and his case was severe. He required over a dozen daily medications in several hospital visits. After reaching a personal low point in a hospital, he decided to do everything in his power to strengthen his body through a combination of yoga, nutrition, natural supplements and rigorous exercise we’re talking Ironman and Crossfit. He was able to fight back the symptoms of Crohn’s until he was finally able to suspend his medication eventually he was declared free of all traces of this incurable disease and completed the Ironman in France in June 2011. He’s since spoken at seminars, and regional TED talks he automated and outsourced a lot of his tasks and his business, and now he focuses on achievement, architecture helping individuals to be more effective and advising several companies.

Key Points Discussed / Timestamps

00:46 –  Introduction and Overview

03:56 – Ari Meisel shares insights into his journey and how it led him founding

04:58 – How to avoid stress as a known contributor to Crohn’s disease with Ari Meisel

05:36 – 80:20 Rule and Eisenhower’s Four Quadrant Matrix: How they contribute to better time management with Ari Meisel

07:04 – Ari Meisel reveals the inner workings of his virtual assistant company. 

09:06 – Ari Meisel explains why it is important to optimize before you automate. 

10:24 – The secrets on how to focus on less out of information overload and do the things that matter

11:11- Evernote is structured to mirror your brain. 

12:34- How to increase productivity via simple task automation with

13:02 – Stop thinking multi-tasking! It is totally anti-productive.

13:16 – How to convert your To-do list to a “Done” list with the help of virtual assistants

13:53 – Some great productivity apps you can apply to your workflow to take your productivity to the next level with Ash Roy and Ari Meisel

15:22 – Ari Meisel shares his experience using Slack and how it helps him run his business on his mobile. 

18:07 – Why it’s more practical to store your files in the cloud rather on your hard drive

18:50 – The challenges Ari Meisel faced when he tried to implement the less doing framework and how he overcame them

19:40 – “A freelancer gets paid when they work, and an entrepreneur gets paid when they’re sleeping.” – Ari Meisel

20:06 – Significant challenges that Ari Meisel‘s clients face when they try to implement the less doing framework

22:21 – Ash Roy recaps the key actions the listeners can take from this episode. 

22:56 – Ari Meisel and Ash Roy recommend working with a virtual assistant to help clarify what you are trying to achieve. 

23:25 – Books that have significant impact on Ari Meisel and why

24:01 – How to find out more about Ari Meisel



Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!