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042. Chris Ducker on The Secret To A 6-Hour Day, A 4-Day Week & A Multi-Million Dollar Business
Ash RoySep 4, 2015 11:44:34 AM2 min read

042. Chris Ducker on The Secret To A 6-Hour Day, A 4-Day Week & A Multi-Million Dollar Business

Chris Ducker on The Secret To A 6-Hour Day, A 4-Day Week & A Multi-Million Dollar Business


Chris Ducker is the author of the book, Virtual Freedom. We hung out a bit at Super Fast Business live conference in March 2015 and during his talk, he owned the stage, and he demonstrated true showmanship! He only works an average of 6 hours a day and his work week no longer includes Friday. He is also the host of the New Business Podcast. I’m delighted to welcome the smooth-talking, straight-shooting online entrepreneur, the founder of

Key points (with timestamps)

3:27 – Chris’ journey and how he built a self-sustaining business working 4 days a week and 6 hours a day
6:47 – How Chris works ON his business, not IN his business
7:50 – Build systems for repeatable processes – don’t try and be superman/superwoman.
8:48 – How do you work through the fear of delegating tasks that involve sensitive information?
10:50 – It comes down to deciding to let someone into your inbox a couple of hours a day
14:53 – The importance of culture of the organisation
17:00  – The Employee – Customer profit chain at Sears – case study
17:47 – TextExpander is an awesome app.
18:59 – The common challenges in cutting back on hours while still improving profitability
21:22 – Productivity 101 – Multi-tasking is a myth.
21:39 – Amy Porterfield‘s mentor’s take on context switching
25:47 – Actions a listener can take to get started with increasing productivity and profitability
27:58 – As our friend James Schramko says, “You can’t steer a parked car.”
28:13 – Books that have had the biggest impact on Chris
28:20 – Chris talks about the book ‘Crush It’ by Gary Vaynerchuk.
30:37 – How ‘Losing My Virginity’ by Richard Branson impacted Chris
34:20 – Richard Branson, if you’re listening …

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Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!