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Eisenhower Matrix is a productivity, prioritization, and time-management framework
Ash RoySep 13, 2024 10:02:57 AM3 min read

From $0 to $15 Million: Joe Pulizzi's 5-Step Success Formula

In 2008, Joe and his wife were broke, yet Joe set the outrageous goal to build and sell a business for $15 million in seven years.


Here's the part I found impressive ... he actually made it happen.


I’m breaking down the 5-step process Joe followed to achieve this incredible milestone.


These are actionable steps you can apply to grow your business, boost productivity, or even transform your life.


1. Write Down Your Goals

Success doesn’t happen overnight.


Joe committed to reviewing his goals every single morning and night, reminding himself that daily, consistent actions would get him closer to his dreams.


As he says, the brain does magical things when you sleep, often giving clarity and ideas after reviewing your goals.


2. Balance Your Life by Categorizing Goals

Joe didn’t just focus on his business goals.


He broke them down into 6 categories. 


Paradoxically enough, it turns out that focusing only on business goals actually reduces your chances of (overall) success.


This holistic approach helped him avoid burnout and enabled him to focus better when it was time to work on his business.


We're human beings and business is just one aspect of our lives. The other 5 elements matter and go a long way toward helping achieving the others.


3. Build an Audience & Become the Expert

To grow his business, Joe created value by positioning himself as the go-to expert for his audience.


His secret?


Offering unique, differentiated content that addressed real problems his audience faced.


If you want to build a thriving business, start by understanding your audience deeply and solve a problem they want you to solve.


4. Don’t Diversify Too Early

Most companies spread themselves too thin by trying to do too much at once—podcasts, blogs, YouTube, social media.


Joe’s advice: stick to one platform, master it, and only then consider expanding. Focus on doing one thing exceptionally well before moving on to the next.


5. Deliver Consistently Over Time


Joe blogged for 22 months, even when it seemed like no one was listening.


Consistency is the key to success.


Once you’ve built trust with your audience, not only will they buy what you offer, they’ll tell you exactly what they need—and you’ll be ready to deliver.


The Transformative Question

Here’s the one question Joe asked himself every single day that helped him stay on track: "Is the next thing I’m going to do helping me reach my goal?"


Simple, but incredibly powerful.


Want the full scoop on Joe's journey? Check out the interview here


Ciao for now,




PS. Ready to write your own success story? Which of these steps are you going to tackle first? Hit reply and let me know – I'm all ears!




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Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!