How To Meet Your Legal GDPR Obligations (this isn't a substitute for legal advice)
Are you ready for the General Data Protection Regulations which take effect on the 25th May 2018? If not, we’ve got you covered.
Liz Ellis is an intellectual property attorney, but he’s not your typical lawyer. Sure, he went to Harvard Law School and worked at some of the most prestigious firms in the country, but if you look at the big whiteboard in his office, you won’t see much about the law. His whiteboard is filled with tasks related to platform building, inbound marketing, and sales-funnels. Bobby is a full-fledged online entrepreneur, whose area of expertise is the law. He helps other online entrepreneurs safeguard their online businesses.
In this episode, Bobby explains whether or not GDPR affects you, how it affects you, and breaks down the action steps you need to take to meet your obligations around GDPR.
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Key Points and Insights:
- What is GDPR
- How GDPR affect you as a business owner
- What your legal obligations are around this legislation
- Action steps you can take to comply with these regulations