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051. TextExpander Tutorial — How to Use Snippets To Turbo Charge Your Productivity
Ash RoyOct 29, 2015 1:55:29 PM< 1 min read

051. TextExpander Tutorial — How to Use Snippets To Turbo Charge Your Productivity


Ever wondered if you could dramatically reduce the time you spend typing away on your keyboard?


What if there was a magical way in which you could create CUSTOMISED emails using the SAME template???

Well, now there is!

Check out this video below:




Resources Mentioned

Key points in tutorial

– Overview of what TextExpander is
– How TextExpander can save you a LOT of time using snippets (or shortcuts)
– Live walkthrough of one example creating a snippet


Ash Roy

Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!