Rand Fishkin – How To Create Great SEO-Friendly Content Plus Key Trends In Search
Rand Fishkin uses the title Wizard of Moz and is the founder and former CEO of moz.com. He’s co-authored a book called The Art of SEO and is addicted to all things content, search and social on the web. Over the last decade, he’s spoken at Google, Facebook, Microsoft and co-founded inbound.org with Dharmesh Shah. He’s given presentations to the UN, Stanford University, NPR and Y Combinator. When he’s not building businesses and giving awesome presentations; he travels the world with his wife, Geraldine which she writes about in a superbly, enjoyable travel blog.
Key points (with timestamps)
- 1:49 – Ash introduces Rand Fishkin.
- 2:57 – Rand on Abraham Joshua Heschel’s quote
- 4:41 – How SEO & content marketing play an important role in business success
- 7:10 – How do you get your content in today’s information overload environment?
- 9:21 – Rand’s view on how SEO has evolved
- 11:47 – Will retargeting and remarketing impact google’s search?
- 14:45 – What we think Google’s crystal ball is saying
- 15:40 – Mobile search is not cannibalising desktop search!
- 18:47 – On Matt Cutts’ comment about guest blogging being dead
- 21:40 – How small to medium businesses can use SEO to their advantage
- 23:03 – How to figure out the conscious and unconscious intent of a searcher on the web
- 25:03 – A good question to ask yourself when creating content (that people will want to amplify)
- 27:53 – Common challenges in implementing SEO and how to overcome them
- 31:03 – Action steps you can take right now
- 33:52 – Books that have great impact with Rand
- 34:54 – How listeners can get in contact with Rand
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Ash Roy
Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!