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Bill Dolan
Ash RoyMay 5, 2021 11:29:42 AM1 min read

211. Relationship Marketing with Bill Dolan

Relationship Marketing and Sustainable Business Growth with Emmy Nominated Producer — Bill Dolan


How do you build an enduring brand? How do you build a business that you and (more importantly) your clients *love*?

The world's changed in recent years and the traditional outbound marketing approach is dying a slow and painful death.

Not sure what I mean by the "traditional outbound marketing" approach?

I mean those pesky interruption-based spammy emails that swarm your inbox and darken your digital doorway all too often.

Yeah, those things.

Well, they're losing their efficacy.

(I know a lot of marketers will disagree with me on that point, but I think they have an axe to grind. They're married to the outbound approach and the philosophy that goes with it)

But this conversation?

This conversation is about something different.

It's about relationship marketing

Another term for this is permission marketing which I believe was coined by my friend Seth Godin.

In this episode of the Productive Insights Podcast, we’re joined by my client and friend Bill Dolan — the author of the book, 7 Disciplines of Relationship Marketing (7DRM).

Bill's an Emmy-nominated TV producer and is the creative director at Spirit Media.  

We talk about why relationship marketing matters to you as a business owner today and why it's crucial that you include it in your approach to the market.

The world is changing and you need to change with it. This conversation shows you how.

If you find this video useful, please do share it with a friend ... or TEN!





Links Mentioned

  1. Amazon: The 7 Disciplines of Relationship Marketing

Emails Mentioned


Related Episodes

  1. 200. Seth Godin on Marketing - With Ash Roy
  2. 209. Inbound vs Outbound Marketing Strategy with Ash Roy
  3. 128. International News Anchor — Julie MacDonald — And I Discuss Actionable Strategies Around Using Authenticity To Build An Enduring Business Brand
Ash Roy
Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!