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Ash RoyDec 23, 2024 12:50:40 PM10 min read

262. How to Set and Achieve Goals with Brian Tracy

How to Set and Achieve Goals with Brian Tracy - 5 Mistakes to Avoid




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Achieving your life's most ambitious goals isn't just about dreaming big—it's about implementing proven techniques and avoiding common mistakes that can derail your progress. In our latest video with Brian Tracy, the renowned author and speaker who's written over 90 books on goal setting, we delve deep into the art and science of setting and achieving meaningful goals. Brian shares his wealth of knowledge, accumulated over decades of coaching high achievers worldwide, and reveals the pitfalls to avoid on your journey. Whether you're a seasoned goal-setter or just starting out, join us as we uncover transformative strategies to turn your aspirations into reality. Get ready to be inspired and equipped with practical tips to make 2025 your most successful year yet. Let's dive in!


00:00 Introduction to Life-Changing Goal Setting
00:39 Meet Brian Tracy and Ash Roy
01:04 Myth #1 The Power of Writing Down Goals
02:10 Myth #2 Daily Goal Writing Practice
04:23 Myth #3 Focusing on Key Goals
06:09 Myth #4 Embracing Unexpected Opportunities
07:30 Myth #5 The Importance of Discipline
07:56 The ONE thing I do every single morning (and why)
08:28 How all the success habits spring from that ONE thing each morning
08:49 What ONE thing can you commit to? (Let us know in the comments)

Ash Roy's  and Brian Tracy Video Transcript (This transcript has been auto-generated. Artificial Intelligence is still in the process of perfecting itself. There may be some errors in transcription):


Brian Tracy:

What I'm going to explain to you is a life changer. It's like programming it into your subconscious mind.

Ash Roy: That's Brian Tracy, author of over 90 books on goal setting, leadership, business, and productivity. Brian's taught these goal setting techniques around the world in his seminars, and they've helped high achievers just like you to exceed their goals and build a life they desire.

Brian Tracy:

And so, what I do in almost all of my seminars,

Ash Roy:

I've personally used these principles for a few years now and I've found them to be transformative in creating the life I desire and avoiding these common mistakes. The only question is, will these principles work for you? Let's find out.

Brian Tracy:

Hello, I'm Brian Tracy and I'm happy to say that I've written 90 books over the years and produced more than a thousand audio and video programs. And now I'm here with my friend, Ash Roy, and we're talking about this. And what I find is that he knows more stuff than I do. So, it is a great pleasure to be with Ash and you will find it's a great pleasure for you to be with Ash as well.

Ash Roy:

People who write down their goals are 42 percent more likely to achieve them. Over the last six years, I've worked with over a hundred service-based business owners, including doctors, lawyers, leadership consultants, and coaches. I've helped them to set and achieve goals that matter most to them. One of the biggest challenges around goal setting is the fact that we set the wrong goals and then we go about achieving them in the wrong sequence.

So, let's talk about the common myths around goal setting and achievement to set you up for a great 2025 and beyond. Let's do this.

Myth number one: You don't need to write your goals down to achieve them. Many of us think that thinking about your goals is enough and that having them rattling around in your head means you're more likely to achieve them because you think about them more.

But the truth is actually quite the opposite. When you write down your goals and do so repeatedly, according to Brian Tracy, you activate your subconscious and super conscious mind in powerful ways.

Brian Tracy:

When you write a goal, it's like Programming it into your subconscious mind. You can never get that, as you say, from typing.

It comes from writing.

Ash Roy:

After hearing what Brian Tracy has to say, I make a decision to write down my goals every single day and what happens next surprises me at first it feels like I'm just adding to the goal graveyard. But as I continue writing every day, I start to notice that patterns are starting to emerge.

Certain goals keep showing up on the page day after day, while other goals seem to disappear. I'm now left with fewer goals that really matter. And I'm clear about the ones that I really want to achieve and why I feel empowered to do what I really need to do to move the needle in my business and increase my profit per hour.

And this leads to the

Myth number two: Once you've written down your goals, you don't need to revisit them. This myth can derail the most ambitious of goal setters. And here's Brian Tracy's advice for overcoming this.

Brian Tracy:

For the next 30 days. I want you to pick up your workbook and everyday. Write down 10 goals the next day turn the page and without looking at your previous page write down 10 goals again and write down and so don't in other words, you're not just copying from day-to-day rewriting from memory and this rewriting from memory what will happen is the description of your goals will change because you won't remember.

And the order of priority of your goals will change and you'll keep doing this. And in 30 days, your life will have changed forever.

Ash Roy:

Writing down my goals every day keeps my important goals alive and prevents them from descending into the goal graveyard. While the ones that are not important disappear or end up getting delegated.

I used to think that typing your goals down on a computer is a good idea and probably better than writing them down because pieces of paper tend to get lost. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Here's Brian Tracy explaining that something powerful happens between the head and the hand when you physically hand write your goals.

Brian Tracy:

What I'm going to explain to you is a life changer for me and for other people. Something happens between the head and the hand that is almost a miracle. And you can never get that as you say, from typing. It comes from writing.

Ash Roy: Okay. Now let's talk about the

Third myth: And the myth is you need to achieve every single goal you set for yourself and that every goal you set has to be achieved by you and you alone.

As it turns out, some goals when achieved can eliminate the need to achieve others.

Brian Tracy:

Select one goal, the goal that can have the greatest impact on all the others. And focus on that one goal. Don't try to achieve everything.

Ash Roy:

After hearing Brian Tracy's words, I realized that focusing on one goal, such as building a great team and powerful systems within my business can eliminate the need for achieving certain other goals myself and unlock exponential progress towards achieving my vision.

I proceed to focus on building an outstanding team and get really good at hiring highly engaged team members and building a strong culture within my business. Together, we create great quality standard operating procedures and focus on executing only on the things that matter most. My team and I build strong SOPs, or standard operating procedures, around things like creating and manufacturing YouTube videos, just like this one, where I'm not doing absolutely everything, but we are sharing the work between all of us.

I do some of the research and scripting, but my team does some of the editing, thumbnail creation, and coming up with title ideas. Now, we are producing better quality videos without losing too much momentum and our YouTube channel starts to grow faster and faster. And so do the leads coming into the business.

Turns out delegation and system building not only prevents overwhelm, but also makes sure that the most important goals in your business don't end up in the goal graveyard.

Myth number four: Is that your path to success will be predictable and linear. Here's Brian Tracy's take on how unexpected twists can open up new opportunities.

Brian Tracy:

Turning points are something that occurs that you had not expected and you change the direction of your life and you go in a different direction. And you never come back.

Ash Roy:

Two years after publishing that video with Brian Tracy, I'm looking at the analytics on our YouTube channel. And I noticed that the video has completely gone viral and it's taken off two years after it was published.

When we look more closely at the analytics, we realized that the video probably took off because the YouTube algorithm picked it up around New Years’ time when people are looking to set new goals. And this was unexpected and definitely not linear in terms of the growth of that video, but for us, that was a turning point because it made us realize that YouTube is something that we need to focus on a lot more.

And since that day, we've been doubling down on publishing better quality video content on our YouTube channel. And our YouTube channel has become a significant driver inbound lead for our business. We're currently helping our members to do exactly the same thing with their businesses. So, if you'd like to know more about that, just check out the link in the description below where you can learn more about our membership options.

And the fifth myth is that discipline isn't all that important when it comes to achieving your goals. This one is particularly tempting to believe. Here's what Brian had to say.

Brian Tracy:

Your ability to focus single minute on one thing is essential. And in order to do that. You must discipline yourself not to do something else.

Ash Roy:

This morning, as I was making my bed, I realized that every single morning for the last several years, the first thing I do when I wake up is make my bed and that sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. It builds the momentum I need to do the next few things that create a positive chain of events.

I make sure every single day I walk 10, 000 steps. I have a cold shower for at least 50 seconds and I'm gradually working to increase this daily because that is known to produce 250 percent more dopamine. I avoid scrolling on social media until later in the morning. Because I know that's cheap dopamine, and that is likely to drain my energy.

All these habits add up to creating a more successful and productive day, which in turn helps me to build my business effectively while working fewer hours. And it all starts at home. With making my bed every morning, this consistent daily discipline of making my bed has been a game changer for me. So, here's my question for you.

What is the one thing that you think you can commit to doing every single morning when you wake up that will set the tone for the rest of your day and help you to create a positive chain of actions and habits? That will help you accomplish and exceed the goals you set for yourself in 2025 and beyond.

Let me know in the comments below. And if we haven't met before, my name is Ash Roy. I'm an ex-banker, a CPA and an MBA from the leading business school here in Australia. And I love helping small business owners to grow their businesses using digital marketing strategies. Over the last six years, I've helped hundreds of business owners scale their businesses effectively.

And I'm confident that I can help you to do the same with yours. Provided you're willing to put in the effort and be consistent with your habits so you can achieve your goals. Thanks so much for watching this video. Don't forget to like and subscribe and be sure to subscribe to our goal setting playlist that we've recently published on this YouTube channel.

I'll link to that playlist in the description. I'll see you in the next video.

Ash Roy
Ash Roy has spent over 15 years working in the corporate world as a financial and strategic analyst and advisor to large multinational banks and telecommunications companies. He suffered through a CPA in 1997 and completed it despite not liking it at all because he believed it was a valuable skill to have. He sacrificed his personality in the process. In 2004 he finished his MBA (Masters In Business Administration) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and loved it! He scored a distinction (average) and got his personality back too!