
The Hidden Pitfall of Goal-Setting

Written by Ash Roy | Jun 7, 2024 12:00:00 AM

We've all been taught that setting goals is important for achieving success. And it is important.


But like all things you can go too far with it. I call it goal-obsession.


I think a great way to 'mitigate' goal-obsession (we're all prone to it) is to temper it with a good doze of habit-focus and routine based living. 


Without the a 'touchstone' aka habit, goals can get pretty dark. Before you know it you have a "greed is good" situation as illustrated by Gordon Gecko in Wall Street. 


(Maybe I'm dating myself here with that movie reference but I think it was the epitome of goal-obsession)


Gordon Gecko's character which has been played out in real life by and a high proportion of operators on wall street resulted in the 2008 global financial crisis. 


So if you ask me, goals are great provided they're viewed in the right context and collateral damage is kept to zero (or at least mitigated as much as humanly possible).


Would you agree?


Let's open up this conversation and explore healthier alternatives together.


The Dark Side of Goal-Setting

While goals can motivate us and provide direction, an obsession with achieving them can quickly become unhealthy.
This is particularly true when we get close to our goals but risk missing them. Our culture often emphasizes the end result over the reasons behind our goals or the journey itself.
In this short-sighted pursuit, we might discard anything—or anyone—that stands in our way, losing sight of the very reasons we set our goals in the first place.
Maybe we won't cause another global financial crisis but we will suffer (personally) and very likely people close to us will suffer too.

A Healthier Approach to Goals


So, what’s the alternative?


It’s not about abandoning goals altogether but about rethinking how we approach them.


Instead of being fixated on the destination, we should use our goals as a guiding "north star" while focusing on the journey.


Celebrate the habits and routines that keep you on track. By doing this, you're more likely to enjoy the process and avoid the pitfalls of goal-obsession.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Do you believe that goals matter more than the journey to get there?


How do you balance goal-setting with staying grounded in your daily habits?


Hit reply and let me know.


I promise to read and reply to every single reply I receive within 48 hours of having sent this email.


Let’s continue this important conversation and explore how we can all strive for healthier, more balanced lives.

Ciao for now, 


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