
8 Deadly Business Mistakes You Should Avoid

Written by Ash Roy | Sep 6, 2024 12:33:53 AM

I've worked with hundreds of business owners over the years in the Productive Insights Membership program.


We've all made a ton of mistakes and learned from them. 


These are the 8 most common mistakes I've seen (and made myself) and my recommendations to address them. 


🚨 Mistake #1: Chasing Every Shiny Object

You’ve seen them. New tools, flashy strategies—guaranteed to be the answer to all your problems. But guess what? Constantly switching gears diffuses your efforts.


I’ve found that success comes when you focus on one thing and master it before moving to the next.


🎯 Mistake #2: Trying to Talk to Everyone

It’s tempting to think, "If I target more people, I’ll get more customers." But the truth is, the broader your audience, the less impact your message will have.


Aim for a smaller, specific niche—people who are desperate for what you offer—and give them exactly what they need.


🤥 Mistake #3: Falling for the Guru Myths

Ever heard a guru say they made millions overnight? Don’t be fooled. Revenue isn’t the same as profit, and sustainable businesses take time.


Don’t just believe the hype. Stay grounded, reinvest in your growth, and keep moving forward!


📢 Mistake #4: Consuming More Than You Create

We all love learning, right? But consuming content doesn’t grow your business.


You’ve got to create more—whether it's blogs, videos, or emails. When you start putting out more than you take in, that’s when the magic happens!


🛑 Mistake #5: Buying Courses (and Never Finishing Them)

Yikes! I’ve spent thousands on courses I never completed. If you’re in the same boat, it’s time to stop.


Action beats information overload. Start implementing the lessons you’ve already learned and watch your results skyrocket.


đź’¸ Mistake #6: Not Tracking ROI

Are you paying for tools or software you barely use? (Guilty!) It’s time for an expense audit.


Track where your money goes and make sure every dollar spent is making a real impact. If it’s not, cut it out.


👤 Mistake #7: Not Knowing Your Ideal Customer

Vague messaging gets lost in the noise. If you haven’t created an ideal customer avatar, it’s time.


The more clearly you define your audience, the better your marketing will resonate.


🏛️ Mistake #8: No Content Pillars

Content without direction is a wasted effort. To position yourself as a thought leader, focus on content pillars—core topics your audience cares about.


This is how you build authority and become their go-to expert.


The Takeaway? If you can avoid these common mistakes, your marketing will start working for you, not against you.


👉 Want to dive deeper? Check out my full video where I break down each of these mistakes and show you exactly how to fix them.

Watch now: Avoid These 8 Deadly Business Mistakes in 2024


Ciao for now,

P.S. Let’s be real—mistakes happen to all of us. But the sooner you fix them, the sooner you’ll start seeing the results you’re after!




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