2 min read


Build and grow your marketing authority to continue attracting your perfect customer

Over the last few days, we've done the following to help create a framework that will help drive your business growth:

  • Researched your ideal customer
  • Built your automated customer attraction system
  • Created an empathy map to understand that customer and the problems they face
  • Developed a targeted and valuable offer that helps them solve that problem
  • Gotten clear on your key metrics
  • And built an automated system to attract your ideal customers (which is what we talked about yesterday).

BTW If you missed the previous email, you want to go back and read that one first.

The next step is to build and grow your authority in your chosen niche.

How do you do that?

By creating a platform that showcases your ability to help your ideal customer get RESULTS!

Choose your platform based on what you're most comfortable with (You can always switch later).

The key here is to get moving. Make a start.

Your options are:

  • Audio platforms (typically podcasting)
  • Video platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook live, YouTube live etc)
  • Written platforms (blogging, books etc)

Video is the best of the three options and YouTube is the best place to start.

Most other platforms are ‘pay-to-play’ but YouTube rewards good quality content with organic views and engagement.

The YouTube algorithm offers a 'level playing field'. It's a meritocracy which is more than I can say for most other platforms where you have to 'pay to play'.

I recommend using YouTube while it lasts.

You might be uncomfortable doing video. It’s always hard to get started but I promise it does get easier with time.

If you're struggling with getting a start on video, then check out my conversation with Amy Porterfield where we both confronted our deepest fears around doing video … on video!

I’m confident you’ll find it helpful in getting out there.

Once you’ve started creating videos, the world’s your oyster.


Because video content is easy to repurpose (into audio, and written content using transcription services)

Want to be a prolific content creator?

Start with video.

It's the ultimate customer attraction system

BTW It's not enough to create good content anymore. You need to be omnipresent.

Content repurposing (from video) is very helpful because you can repurpose to audio and written content easily.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about the final step in this 9-step business growth mind map and bring it all together and talk about the next steps.



P.S. If you need help implementing any of the ideas discussed in this email course, you might find this Productive Insights Membership Program is your perfect solution.