The value of examining your underlying assumptions (Updated for 2024)
What are underlying assumptions? Why do they matter? How do they affect your balance ...
Minimum viable offer
Minimum viable offer How do you know if you have a minimum viable offer?
Problem solving techniques (a 5 step process)
Problem-solving techniques (a 5 step process) How do you go about solving a problem ...
Time management skills are now redundant
Time Management Skills vs Energy Management Skills Fredrick Winslow Taylor became known ...
Strategic partnerships for business growth
Strategic partnerships for business growth Strategic partnerships can be very effective ...
FEO vs SEO About a month ago, Seth Godin wrote a post that inspired me to write a post ...
Membership model
Membership model It costs between 5 and 9 times less to retain an existing customer as ...
1% of your effort delivers approximately 51% of your results
1% of your effort delivers approximately 51% of your results In the late 1800s Vilfredo ...
Google wasn’t the first search engine in the market
Google wasn’t the first search engine in the market Google wasn’t the first search engine ...
Time management
Time management Time management is a misnomer.